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People air boating down Mary River National Park

Mary River National Park

Das ganze Jahr über zugänglich und etwas mehr als 60 Autominuten von Darwin entfernt, bieten die Süßwasser-Billabongs, Papierrinden- und Monsunwälder dieses reichen Nationalparks hervorragende Möglichkeiten zur Tierbeobachtung, zum Angeln, Buschwandern und Fotografieren.

Besuchen Sie die Aussichtsplattform im Shady Camp, um flussaufwärts zu schauen, und Sie werden bestimmt eines der vielen großen Krokodile entdecken, die diesen Abschnitt des Mary River ihr Zuhause nennen. Bewundern Sie die Vogelwelt von der Aussichtsplattform am Ufer des treffend benannten Bird Billabong oder folgen Sie dem Wanderweg zum Billabong selbst. Besuchen Sie die Aussichtsplattform von Mistake Billabong und beobachten Sie, wie sich das Leben auf dem Wasser vor Ihnen entfaltet. Halten Sie am Couzens Lookout an, um die Umgebung und spektakuläre Sonnenuntergänge zu fotografieren, oder besuchen Sie den Brian Creek Monsoon Forest, um den vielfältigen Monsundschungel zu sehen, der sich stark von den umliegenden Wäldern abhebt.

Der Park bietet viele Möglichkeiten und Orte zum Campen, Picknicken und Wandern, mit Einrichtungen wie Toiletten, Bootsrampen, Informationstafeln und historischen Markierungen. Es fallen Campinggebühren an und die Plätze müssen vor Ihrem Besuch online gebucht werden.

Sehen & Erleben rund um Mary River


  • Indicative Prices Tickets von $10.00 bis $60.00
    Park entry fees - Parks Pass applies. (NT residents exempt). Camping fees apply to all visitors.
  • Child Tickets von $5.00 bis $30.00
    Park entry fees - Parks Pass applies. (NT residents exempt). Camping fees apply to all visitors.


  • Barbeque
  • Bootfahren Einrichtungen
  • Wohnwagen / Wohnmobil Anhänger / Campervan Sites / Campingplätze
  • Parkplatz
  • Aussichtspunkte
  • Picknick Bereich
  • Öffentliche Toilette


  • Vögel beobachten
  • Bootfahren
  • Camping
  • Angeln
  • Four Wheel Driving
  • Spaziergänge


Zugang für Behinderte zur Verfügung, Kontakt Betreiber.


  • COVID Sicher


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Can Mary River be done as a day trip?

Being so close to Darwin, it's certainly possible to do Mary River as a one-day adventure. There are a number of tour operators who offer single and multi-day trips from Darwin to Mary River.


Do I need any passes or permits to visit Mary River?

No permits or passes are required to visit Mary River.


How do I get around Mary River?

Mary River National Park is famous for its wetlands and rivers, so a boat is the best way to see all the highlights. Another option is to take an airboating tour. There are a number of tour operators who can take you through the region.


How do I get to Mary River?

Mary River National Park is a one-hour drive from Darwin along sealed roads. Leave Darwin along the Stuart Highway and turn left on to the Arnhem Highway. You might also like to choose from one of the tour options to get you there.


How far is Mary River from Darwin?

Mary River is about 1.5 hours' drive east of Darwin (150 km), and a 1.5 hour drive (140 km) west of Jabiru.


What are the major attractions at Mary River?

Mary River is known for its vibrant birdlife, stunning wetlands, excellent fishing and abundant wildlife. Fish, reptiles, mammals and birds live side-by-side; it's literally teeming with life. Enjoy an airboat tour, helicopter ride or 4WD adventure. Try fishing for barramundi at Corroboree Billabong and Shady Camp.


What should I bring with me to Mary River?

While the Mary River is not too far from Darwin, it's important to take proper precautions. If driving, carry drinking water, a first-aid kit and make sure the petrol tank is full. Sun protection, insect repellant, and appropriate footwear are essential. Fishing gear is a must for anyone keen on snagging a few barramundi, and avid birdwatchers should bring a pair of binoculars.


When is the best time to visit Mary River?

Mary River is in the middle of the Top End, so you'll find May to October when the weather is dry and warm is the best time to get full access. There's nothing like experiencing the luscious wetlands from November to April. The 'run-off' from February to April is the peak season and the best time to reel in some barramundi. Tours and accommodation are available all year round.


Where should I go next from Mary River?

Mary River is the gateway to Kakadu National Park and Arnhem Land. If you've come from Darwin head on to see Jabiru, Gunlom, Jim Jim Falls, Yellow Water, the Ubirr Rock Art Site and other stunning attractions in Kakadu National Park. Arnhem Land is also accessible from the Mary River region but you will need a permit to enter the area.
