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Brian Hutchinson heißt Sie im inhabergeführten Unternehmen für private Angelausflüge willkommen.

Ein einmaliges Erlebnis für Ihren nächsten Angelausflug im Northern Territory.

Estuary Escapes bietet halb- und ganztägige Angelausflüge in der Region Darwin sowie längere Ausflüge das ganze Jahr über, bei denen Barramundi und andere tropische Flussmündungs- und Sportfischarten im Visier sind.

Estuary Escapes, ein unterhaltsamer Tag auf dem Wasser für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene. Sie bringen unerfahrenen Anglern das Angeln mit einer Vielzahl von Geräten und Techniken bei.

Estuary Escapes Fishing Charters besitzt eine Lizenz für Angeltouren im Northern Territory und Sicherheit hat bei Angelausflügen in abgelegene Gebiete oberste Priorität.

Ausflüge zum Barramundi-Abfluss sind von Ende Februar bis Mai möglich, andere Ausflüge sind je nach Regenzeit für den Rest des Jahres bis Anfang Dezember möglich.

Reisen Sie bequem in einem speziell angefertigten Boot – MV Reel Escape, einem Sea Adex Typhoon 6, das für das Angeln auf Barramundi und andere Flussmündungs-Sportfische konzipiert ist.

Tours available

Run Off Fishing Escapes 1 - 6 Days

Shady Camp / Mary River / Daly River / Dundee Beach.
The Northern Territory Runoff is the prime time of year to plan your escape. This time of year, the Runoff from the wet season makes its way to the coast. Barra of all sizes school in the big river systems. They come for one reason; to feed. They feed on the myriad of baitfish being swept downstream with the last of the floodwaters.
‘Shady Camp’, part of the Mary River is famous for trophy Barra. This is the time to target truly large fish. You never know, you just may land a metery.
The Runoff is what to look forward to every year, as not many experiences in fishing compare to seeing a very large Barra jump out of the water. Plenty of Crocodiles and birds also make the most of the abundance of bait in the river systems.
Targeting Barra through trolling and casting at this time of year, You just never know when a metery will strike, and there is no need to be gentle at this time of year.

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Billabong Barramundi Fishing Escapes

Get a real taste of the real Northern Territory on this billabong tour - Barra, Crocodiles, Birdlife and breathtaking scenery.

The NT has many billabong and inland water ways within easy access of Darwin. On an extended billabong barramundi fishing escape, you will overnight at lodge or motel accommodation then fish a different location from one day to the next.

While fishing these areas, you will get to experience some of the Northern Territory’s most scenic locations - home to Barramundi, Saratoga, Sooty Grunter and Tarpon, all adding to what will be a most memorable escape.

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Darwin Day & Extended Fishing Escapes

Getting out and about with a local Barra guide can be a great way to learn about fishing the harbours and river systems in and around Darwin, such as Darwin Harbour, Bynoe Harbour, Dundee Beach, Shady Camp, The Finniss and Little Finniss rivers, Finniss Fresh, Corroboree Billabong, Leaders Creek and Saltwater Arm to name a few.
Day trips or extended trips are available to all of the above locations. You can even fish a different location each day on an extended Fishing Escape.
You are picked up and dropped off to your Darwin home, with morning tea, lunch and cold water all included in the price. All high quality rods, reels and tackle is provided for the trip.

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  • Bootfahren
  • Angeln
