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Kurze Fahrzeiten bedeuten, dass Sie innerhalb von 20 Minuten im Darwin Harbour mit über 40 Fischarten angeln werden.

Sie können Ihre Zeit wirklich maximieren und Fische wie Barramundi, Königinnen-Umber, Goldies oder Schlammkrabben fangen.

Unsere speziell gefertigten Boote können bei allen Tidenständen fischen und Sie fast überall hinbringen - Mündungsgebiet, Watt, Mangroven, Riffe, Wracks; Live-Köder gewährleisten Ihren Komfort und Ihre Sicherheit. Wir sind für alle Anglertypen geeignet und unsere freundlichen, qualifizierten Reiseleiter mit über 15 Jahren Erfahrung helfen Ihnen gerne bei allem, vom Anbringen des Köders an Ihrem Haken bis zum Ausnehmen der Fische, die Sie mit nach Hause nehmen.

Wir bieten viele Pauschalen an, die für alle Budgets geeignet sind - halbtags, ganztags, Gruppen- und Allein-Charter. Rufen Sie uns jetzt an, um ein unvergessliches Angelerlebnis zu buchen.

Tours available

Half Day Fishing Charter

It is their most popular package! With good reason – half a day of full-on fishing at affordable rates. The short travel times ensure you get maximum actual fishing time all over Darwin Harbour.

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Half Day Fishing Charter (Afternoon)

Their most popular package! With good reason – half a day of full-on fishing at affordable rates. The short travel times ensure you get maximum actual fishing time all over Darwin Harbour.

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Half Day Barra Fishing Trip

Their second most popular package! Catch the iconic Territory Barra. Or custom-built boats can take you to places the others can't go, giving you access to Darwin Harbour and its many inlets.

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Full Day Fishing Charter

For those where half a day just won’t do, Darwin Harbour Fishing Charters offer a serious upgrade with great value. Over the course of the day you will fish many different locations in and around the harbour.

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Fun Family Fishing Charter (Morning)

An unforgettable time with the whole family! This is sure to create family bonding time. Two more spots are available to book if you have more members of the family or friends wanting to join you.

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Fun Family Fishing Charter

An unforgettable time with the whole family! This is sure to create family bonding time. Two more spots are available to book if you have more members of the family or friends wanting to join you.

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Sole/Group Charter Half Day

An amazing fishing experience with all your friends or just by yourself! This package is also great for businesses, corporations or even work colleagues. Take up to 8 people and enjoy the day together on your sole charter.

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Sole/Group Charter Full Day

Take up to 7 mates for a massive days fishing on the full day sole charter or just go by yourself! This allows your group to relax, joke and have a great time with great company, bragging over the best catch of the day!

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  • Reiseleiterverband
