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Jumping Croc
Pathfinder Jumping Crocs

The Original Adelaide River Queen Jumping Crocodile Cruises

Die originale Adelaide River Queen Jumping Crocodile Cruise mit Klimaanlage und großen Panoramafenstern.

Die kleinen Pathfinder-Schiffe bringen Sie so nah wie möglich an ein Krokodil in freier Wildbahn heran.

Durch die dicken Glasfenster können Sie Krokodile fast berühren, und zusammen mit einem informativen Kommentar erhalten Sie bei diesem Erlebnis einen ausgewogenen und fundierten Einblick in das australische Salzwasserkrokodil.

Ein Café mit Blick auf den Fluss bietet Cappuccino, Bier, Wein und ein Mittagsangebot.


  • Gratis Wifi


  • China Ready und Accredited Programm
  • COVID Sauber Üben Geschäft
  • COVID Sicher
  • Qualität Tourismus Accreditation
  • State/Territory Bus Operators Accreditation

Pathfinder Jumping Crocodile Cruises

What's even more amazing is that this attraction is natural; it takes nothing from the crocodile's habitat and changes nothing in the way it lives naturally in the wild.

A short interaction of just a few minutes a day ensures that the crocodiles lose none of their natural survival and hunting instincts. You can almost touch these animals through the thick glass windows of the Adelaide River Queen II or their beautiful skin on the open Pathfinder vessels, and together with an informative commentary this experience will leave you with a balanced and informed view of the Australian saltwater crocodile.

Adelaide River Queen Jumping Crocodile Cruise

What's even more amazing is that this attraction is natural; it takes nothing from the crocodile's habitat and changes nothing in the way it lives naturally in the wild.

A short interaction of just a few minutes a day ensures that the crocodiles lose none of their natural survival and hunting instincts. You can almost touch these animals through the thick glass windows of the Adelaide River Queen II or their beautiful skin on the open Pathfinder vessels, and together with an informative commentary this experience will leave you with a balanced and informed view of the Australian saltwater crocodile.


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