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Desert Oaks on the Sandy Blight Junction Track
A group of people on Lake Mackay
Digging for wild onions

Bindibu Country and the Pintubi Nine

The rare and unique opportunity to spend time on country with first contact Aboriginal People.

The Pintubi Nine first encountered Europeans in 1984.

Travel from Alice Springs along the scenic Sandy Blight Junction Track to Kintore, then to Australia's most remote Aboriginal community Kiwirrkurra before heading north to Lake Mackay. You will then take a track not on any maps north 350 kilometres to Balgo, and then follow the original Tanami Track back to Rabbit Flat before turning south to Alice Springs.

This is remote 4X4 camping expedition with all meals included, and expert caring guides.


  • Birdwatching
  • Camping
  • Four Wheel Driving
  • Walks


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