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Qantas Empire Airways Hangar at Parap. Front façade with sliding
Qantas Hangar from the street.
Interior of the Hangar showing the roof trusses and framing. The display is by the Automobile Enthusiasts Club.

Hangar della Qantas Guinea Airways

L'hangar è un edificio prefabbricato sviluppato dalla Sidney-Williams Company ed eretto a Darwin nel 1934 per la Qantas Empire Airways Ltd in tempo per la Centenary Air race.

È stato utilizzato dal primo servizio aereo Australia-Inghilterra operato da Qantas e Empire Airways e successivamente dal primo servizio aereo Adelaide-Darwin operato da Qantas e Guinea Airways. Nel 1946 la pista di atterraggio di Ross Smith cessò di essere operativa e l'hangar fu utilizzato come officina meccanica e successivamente come negozio.


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Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids) Caters for people who use a wheelchair. Caters for people with high support needs who travel with a support person. Caters for people who are deaf or have hearing loss. Caters for people who are blind or have vision loss.


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