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Conosciute come le isole del sorriso, le isole Tiwi sono famose per la loro cultura aborigena, lo scenario delle isole tropicali e la pesca in acque blu.

Composte da Bathurst e Melville Island (la seconda isola più grande dell'Australia dopo la Tasmania), le Tiwi Islands si trovano a 100 chilometri a nord di Darwin.

Scopri le Isole Tiwi come parte di un tour organizzato di un giorno aborigeno e scopri le differenze culturali e linguistiche tra il popolo Tiwi influenzato dalla Polinesia e il popolo indigeno dell'Arnhem Land appena oltre l'acqua.

Le isole Tiwi sono famose per la loro pesca varia ed emozionante e le condizioni costanti tutto l'anno.Prenota in uno dei lodge di pesca locali o partecipa a una battuta di pesca.

Lungo il paesaggio costiero delle isole vedrai una fitta foresta pluviale, spiagge sabbiose e stagni rocciosi.L'isolamento delle isole e le precipitazioni estremamente elevate significano che supportano molte specie non registrate altrove nel NT (o nel mondo).Le isole ospitano la più grande colonia riproduttiva del mondo di sterne crestate e una vasta popolazione della vulnerabile tartaruga olivastra.

L'accesso avviene tramite aereo leggero da Darwin o traghetto attraverso il Mar di Timor fino all'isola di Bathurst.Un traghetto per auto collega le due isole nel punto più stretto tra di loro.

Cosa da fare e da vedere alle Isole Tiwi

Domande frequenti

  • Yes you can, there are two main day trip options from Darwin to visit the Tiwi Islands. A flying tour will give you more time on the islands, although the ferry is an excellent way to see the coastline and give yourself a different perspective of Darwin.

  • The Tiwi Islands are Aboriginal land, and all visitors are required to have a permit. If you're travelling on a tour your permit will be arranged by the tour operator. Visitors who are not part of a tour are required to be hosted by a resident who will arrange permits on their behalf. Visit the Tiwi Land Council's website for more information.

  • The Tiwi Islands are made up of Bathurst and Melville Islands, the latter of which is Australia’s second largest after Tasmania. The Tiwi Islands are only accessible on a tour - your tour operator will arrange the transport, so you can sit back and relax. A range of touring options are available and include bus, car, boat and light aircraft.

  • The Tiwi Islands are 80km north of Darwin, to visit the islands you will need a permit. Tours from Darwin include light aircraft flights or a ferry ride with Sealink Northern Territory. The flying time to Bathurst Island is 20 minutes, and the ferry ride takes 2.5 hours. Be sure to check timetables well in advance.

  • The main community of Wurrumiyanga on Bathurst Island is 80km from Darwin, which is a 20 minute flight by light aircraft or 2.5 hour ferry ride. The communities of Milikapiti and Pirlangimpi on Melville island are 130 km from Darwin, which is approximately 40 minutes flying time.

  • All year round, the Tiwi Islands offer an authentic insight into one of the most fascinating examples of Aboriginal culture Australia has to offer. Visit community art centres which feature contemporary Aboriginal art works including wood carvings, pottery, screen printed fabrics and impressive works on canvas. The Patakijiyali Museum uncovers the rich cultural history of the Tiwi people, along with photographs and stories about the modern history of the islands. The Islands are also a prime fishing spot, with many Darwin-based fishing operators offering extended tours to the region.

  • When heading to the Tiwi Islands, don't forget to bring your hat, drinking water, sunscreen, mosquito repellent and comfortable clothing and footwear.

  • Day tours operate Monday to Friday, April to November. The annual Tiwi Islands Football Grand Final and Art Sale event takes place in March each year and is a great opportunity to see an iconic game of Australian rules football. You'll also have the chance to scoop up some unique pieces of Aboriginal art.

  • Once you've explored Bathurst and Melville Islands, check out the wilderness of Kakadu National Park or continue your cultural learnings in the off-the-beaten-path paradise of Arnhem Land.