This is a comprehensive guide to the CMS modules and their use cases, available for content contributors of the website.
Rich text field
Heading 1
- Ensure that there is only one H1 element per page
- Include the primary keyword in H1 tags
Heading 2 &
Heading 3
- Use multiple H2 and H3 tags to structure your content further and break up your content into digestible sections and sub-sections.
- Including variations and related keywords in these headings can also help with SEO as search engines use these tags to understand the structure and context of your content.
- Always use '&' instead of 'and' in headings
Layout 1
Shortcode (incase you need to add it to Gather Content CMS)
- [gallery images="<image number>,<image number>,<image number>" layout="1" caption1="<insert caption here>" caption2="<insert caption here>" caption3="<insert caption here>" link1="<insert URL here>" link2="<insert URL here>" link3="<insert URL here>"]
Layout 2
Shortcode (incase you need to add it to Gather Content CMS)
[gallery images="<image number>,<image number>" layout="2" caption1="<insert caption here>" caption2="<insert caption here>" link1="<insert URL here>" link2="<insert URL here>"]
Layout 3
Shortcode (incase you need to add it to Gather Content CMS)
[gallery images="<image number>,<image number>,<image number>" layout="3" caption1="<insert caption here>" caption2="<insert caption here>" caption3="<insert caption here>" link1="<insert URL here>" link2="<insert URL here>" link3="<insert URL here>"]
Layout 4
Shortcode (incase you need to add it to Gather Content CMS)
[gallery images="<image number>,<image number>" layout="4" caption1="<insert caption here>" caption2="<insert caption here>" link1="<insert URL here>" link2="<insert URL here>"]
Layout 5
Shortcode (incase you need to add it to Gather Content CMS)
[gallery images="<image number>" layout="5" caption1="<insert caption here>" link1="<insert URL here>"]
This is an editorial listing
Use the intro paragraph section if it adds value
This is a Featured Editorial listing
You can also add a highlight (grey background)
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Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Frequently asked questions
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Rich HTML content can go here. The first itme can be expanded by default.
Rich HTML content can go here.
Add a heading for your video
And a description too