HomeHomeキャサリンとその周辺キャサリン とその周辺 Nitmiluk National Park 観光地見ることとすることフェスティバルとイベントガイドツアー宿泊施設地域ガイド 内陸部が熱帯と融合する地を訪れ、洞窟、霧のかかった滝、温泉、古代史跡が詰まった環境を探索しましょう。家族連れにも個人旅行にも最適で、ドライブ、フィッシング、キャンプ、カヤック、トレッキングなど多彩なアクティビティを満喫することができます。 Map showing the Darwin and Surrounds region in the NT Alice Springs Darwin Katherine Ulu r u Kings Canyon リプレイ | 大きな地図を見る キャサリン周辺の見どころ&体験 See & do Elsey National Park キャサリンとその周辺 ジュドバラ/グレゴリー国立公園 キャサリンとその周辺 マタランカ温泉プール キャサリンとその周辺 先住民文化体験 キャサリンとその周辺 ニトミルク国立公園 See & do Katherine Hot Springs キャサリンとその周辺 湾岸地域 See & do Bitter Springs キャサリンとその周辺 キャサリン See & do Jatbula Trail See & do Cutta Cutta Caves Nature Park See & do The Katherine Museum Articles キャサリンでしたい10のこと キャサリンの旅のインスピレーション キャサリンでしたい10のこと アウトバックはキャサリンの熱帯雨林へと続きます。 この大きな田舎町はダーウィンから車で南へ3時間、広大なキャサリン川の沿岸にあります。この地域のハイライトはニトミルク(キャサリン)渓谷ですが、ほかにも見る箇所は沢山あります。 キャサリンでの冒険を計画するのに役立つ10のアイデアがあります。 キャサリンとその劉辺で無料で楽しめること キャサリンは熱帯地域がオーストラリアのアウトバックと出会う場所でダーウィンの南へ約4時間(300km)の舗装道路でのドライブでアクセス出来ます。 地域全体に渡り無料のアクティビティが満載のドライブ旅行に最適な場所です! 本物のテリトリーを体験する方法 (ヒント:画面では本物は体験できません) ドラマ「テリトリー ~荒野の覇者~」に夢中なら、自分でも実際にテリトリーでのアドベンチャーを体験したくなりますよね。「テリトリー ~荒野の覇者~」(ドラマシリーズ)は、トップエンド全域で撮影されました。本物のテリトリーを体験するための最適な方法をご紹介します。 キャサリンとその周辺の宿泊施設に関する究極のガイド ノーザンテリトリーへの旅はキャサリン、またエディスフォール、素晴らしいニトミルク国立公園抜きでは語れません。ではどこに滞在するべきでしょうか? ダーウィンからウルル 世界一長いパブめぐりへ ノーザンテリトリー探索は乾燥地域の旅です。 ダーウィンを出発し、アリススプリングスとウルル(エアーズロック)に南に向かう前に、世界遺産に登録されたカカドゥ国立公園を追加して、2,200キロのパブクロールでアウトバック旅行を最大限に楽しむことをお勧めします。 14日間で巡るエクスプローラーズ・ウェイ アウトバックの壮大なロードトリップ:ダーウィンからアデレードまで アドベンチャーが大好きな方には、オーストラリアのドライブ旅行で大人気、エクスプローラーズ・ウェイ(Explorers Way)沿いの旅行がお勧めです。 6日間のトップエンドロッジ 冒険気分を味わえる高級ロッジ 他とは違うラグジュアリーをお求めですか? トップエンドのロッジは、贅沢な宿泊施設の快適さを体験しながら、自然と触れ合うのに最適な場所です。 20日間でサバンナウェイ ノーザンテリトリーのエピッシャー ロードトリップ キャンプや釣り道具を4WD車に詰め込んで、サバンナ・ウェイ(Savannah Way)へ向かいましょう。クイーンズランド州の ケアンズから、ノーザンテリトリーのサバンナの風景を通り、西のブルームまで、一生の思い出となる旅です。 ネイチャーズウェイ(Nature's Way) 7日間の旅行日程 トップエンドの魅力を最も満喫できるドライブをしたいなら、何と言ってもネイチャーズウェイ(Nature's Way)です。5~10日で、オーストラリアの活気に満ちた熱帯の中心都市ダーウィンと、古代の文化的驚異、そして自然の驚異に満ちあふれたカカドゥ国立公園(Kakadu National Park)、ニトミルク国立公園(Nitmiluk National Park)、リッチフィールド国立公園(Litchfield National Park)を巡る素晴らしいアドベンチャーを楽しむことができます。 ノーザンテリトリー必見スポット 14日間の旅行日程 一生の思い出になるようなセルフドライブの旅に出発しましょう。 アデレードからダーウィンまでエクスプローラーズ・ウェイ(Explorers Way)を行く旅 17日間のドライブ旅行日程 アデレードからダーウィンまで、エクスプローラーズ・ウェイ(Explorers Way)を行く旅は、オーストラリアの素晴らしいドライブ旅行の1つであることは間違いありません。ウルル、キングス・キャニオン、マクドネル山脈、デビルズ・マーブルズ、ニトミルク国立公園(Nitmiluk National Park)、リッチフィールド国立公園(Litchfield National Park)など、オーストラリアで人気の自然の名所をいくつか訪問します。 キャサリン&ニトミルク渓谷の探索 4日間のドライブ旅行日程 ちょっと長めの週末休暇を取り、人気の高い、壮大なニトミルク渓谷やキャサリン地域を探索してみましょう。キャサリンには体験すべきことがたくさん。きっと、もっと長く滞在したいと思うことでしょう。 キャサリンとその周辺 3日間の旅行日程 この3日間の旅行日程では、地元の渓谷、ウォーターホール、滝、温泉などを探索します。アドベンチャーが大好きな旅行者にとって、この地域がパーフェクトな場所であることがわかるはずです! キャサリンとその周辺 7日間の旅行日程 キャサリンとその周辺の美しさを堪能する7日間。この地域がいかにアドベンチャーの宝庫であるかを実感できることでしょう。渓谷、ウォーターホール、滝、温泉を探索し、文化ツアーでこの地域の伝統的な所有者について学びます。 Video:キャサリンとその周辺部 #NTaustralia We only chase waterfalls on days ending in a 'y' in the #NorthernTerritory 💧💙 Fancy a dip this weekend? #SouthernRockhole, a natural waterhole located in @visitkatherine's #NitmilukNationalPark awaits. This dreamy seasonal spot is accessible via an 8-kilometre (return) walking trail or by ferry with @nitmiluktours. ✨ Who are you taking with you!? 📸: Cheers for tagging @noellie_s 📍: Southern Rockhole, Nitmiluk National Park #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #waterfalls #nature ID: A woman swimming in a blue body of water, facing a waterfall, surrounded by red rock formations. Hooked on @netflixanz’s Territory and ready to explore the #NorthernTerritory for yourself? 🎬🤠 Meet John and Steph🚁🐎 - Owners and operators @katherinehelicopters. A local, family-owned business with a passion for showing locals and visitors the NT from a perspective like no other. Want to uncover their story or start your own Territory adventure? Check out the links in our bio to dive deeper into the stories of #RealPeopleRealTerritory. 🐊☀ #SeeAustralia #scenicflights #visitkatherine #helicoptertour We will never understand why someone looked at these waters and decided to call them Bitter Springs?!😍🤔 These crystal clear hot springs are located in @ElseyNationalPark, just two kilometres from #Mataranka and one hour south of @VisitKatherine. The colours of this spot are almost edible, with decadent turquoise blues from the springs set against the alluring green foliage of surrounding tropical woodlands. Feel like a float? Bring a pool noodle and enjoy a short and relaxing natural ride down the stream 💦 ID: A man standing on stairs and holding railing halfway into a blue pool of water. #NTaustralia #SeeAustralia #roadtripaustralia #tropicalparadise #visitaustralia #swimmingaustralia #paradiseonearth #turquoise If you're looking for a unique experience while in the @visitkatherine region,@djilpinarts is well worth a visit! 👋 Here you can meet locals and artists, learn about traditional life and culture, browse and buy artworks, stay in their award-winning accommodation or experience seasonal cultural events, tours and immersions. On some of tours visit significant sites like Bullocky Head’s ceremonial site on the shoreline of Waterhouse River where ancient stone artefacts still litter the ground. Or Melkjulumbu (Beswick Falls), where mythical creatures like mermaids and mimi spirits share the waterhole with fish and freshwater crocodile. 🐊🧜♀ For more ways to experience Aboriginal culture in the Top End check out the link in our bio 👆 ID: three people gather around a fire next to a riverbed with escarpment in the background. #SeeAustralia #aboriginalculture #katherine #australianroadtrip Looking for a way to spend the weekend? Why not spend the day in the warm turquoise waters of #BitterSprings, found in the @visitkatherine region 💙 Sounds like pure heaven to us! #SeeAustralia #tourismtopend #visitkatherine #holidayherethisyear #outbackaustralia Spending your weekend chasing waterfalls? Make sure to add #EdithFalls/Leliyn to the top of your list 💦 While the main pool at #EdithFalls/Leliyn is a true gem, the hidden upper plunge pool, reached via the 2.6 kilometre Leliyn loop walk, is a must-see. You might just have it all to yourself! 😍 Only a 40-minute drive north of @VisitKatherine in Nitmiluk National Park, Edith Falls also offers a grassy campground and a cosy kiosk, perfect for extending your adventure ⛺ 📸 @_aswewander Join a kayaking adventure and spend the day paddling through #NitmilukGorge with @nitmiluktours… 🛶 📸: @anniebeth_travels #NTaustralia #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #adventure #outback #kayaking #naturelovers Just me, you and the view 💛 Only 30 minutes northeast of @VisitKatherine lies #NitmilukGorge, bursting with adventure! 🌿Dive into wildlife sightings, ancient rock art and refreshing waterholes. Choose your thrill: canoeing, sunset cruises, long walks, swimming spots or even helicopter rides - @nitmiluktours has it all! Our tip? Visit Baruwei lookout for epic views of the gorge system 😍 #NTaustralia #SeeAustralia #NitmilukNT #outbackaustralia #roadtripaustralia #gorge #epiclandscapes #sunrise Got a case of Mondayitis? 🤭 This will cheer you up 👇 #MatarankaThermalPool has reopened! In case you've never come face to face with this breathtaking location, here's a sneak peek 😍 The small town of Mataranka can be found an hour south of @VisitKatherine, the unofficial gateway to the tropics. These heavenly springs bubble up at a cosy 34 degrees, filling a semi-man pool with the most perfect turquoise water, under a canopy of shady palms 🌴 Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @brooklynkatee_! #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #hotsprings #paradise #wildswimming #outbackaustralia To mark 2023, we're sharing our top 10 posts of the year. Here's your 8th favourite photo! In August, we wrote - Is this Australia's most outback fuel stop?! The @dalywaterspub 'Outback Servo', around 270-kilometres south of @visitkatherine, has become a bucket-list destination for travellers 🤠 Stay, eat and explore the history that dates back to the 1930s on a #NTaustralia road trip 👉 link in bio! Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @ouroutbackodyssey 🙌 #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd ID: Remote outback fuel bowser with rustic building and various signage Rewind the clock on a relaxing boat cruise with @nitmiluktours through the ancient Nitmiluk (Katherine) Gorge ✨ Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @__thedailycommute. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #NitmilukNT #VisitKatherine Located only 40 minutes north of @visitkatherine in Nitmiluk National Park, #EdithFalls (Leliyn) is truly nature at its finest 🌿 Captured here, the upper pool is the epitome of wild swimming with cool cascades and pretty bushland surrounds - well worth the 2.6km loop walk! With a kiosk onsite and grassy campground nearby, there's every reason to stick around and enjoy this gorgeous location. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @_aswewander. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd Exotic overseas destination? Nup, this is #BitterSprings in @visitkatherine! 😍 Nestled in Elsey National Park, the warm waters of these heavenly natural hot springs are perfect for a soothing swim. A local's bucket list for the #Katherine region - see link in bio! 🌴 Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @jessegrigg_. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine Crystal clear natural springs located right in the middle of town? Yes please #KatherineHotSprings! 💦 Top 10 swimming spots in #NTaustralia 👉 link in bio! Cheers for tagging us on your @visitkatherine adventure, @kyle_hunter 👏 #TourismTopEnd #SeeAustralia #hotsprings POV: you take a walk through paperbark and palm-fringed bushland and find paradise 😍 aka #MatarankaThermalPool 💦 Just one of the sandy-bottomed, crystal-clear thermal pools to explore in @elseynationalpark 👉 explore more via the link in bio! Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @_aswewander 👏 #TourismTopEnd #SeeAustralia #hotsprings #holidayherethisyear Is this Australia's most outback fuel stop?! The @dalywaterspub 'Outback Servo', around 270-kilometres south of @visitkatherine, has become a bucket-list destination for travellers 🤠 Stay, eat and explore the history that dates back to the 1930s on a #NTaustralia road trip 👉 link in bio! Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @ouroutbackodyssey 🙌 #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear She's beauty, she's grace, she's... Bitter Springs in @elseynationalpark 😍 It's been chilly in @tourismtopend this week, but it's nothin' a dip in these warm thermal waters won't fix 💦 Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia on your recent visit to the @visitkatherine region, @voyageuse__amoureuse 🙌 #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear Can you believe these turquoise waters are located right in the middle of town in @visitkatherine? Drive 5 minutes from the main street, kick off your shoes, and dive into the #KatherineHotSprings 🌴 Top 10 swimming spots in #NTaustralia 👉 link in bio! Cheers for tagging us on your @tourismtopend adventure, @jasonsrhoj 🙌 #TourismTopEnd #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear Where you'll find us this long weekend 👉 Leliyn | #EdithFalls 💦 The paperbark and pandanus fringed natural pool is just 45 minutes drive from @visitkatherine and just a short walk from lush green campsites in a tropical bush setting. Looking for the best swimming spots in the NT? Head to the ink in bio! Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @_letsescapetogether_ 🌴 #TourismTopEnd #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear Found: tropical paradise hidden away between lush palms and woodlands 🌴 #BitterSprings in @elseynationalpark is just an hour's drive from @visitkatherine. The balmy spring-fed thermal pools are the perfect place to spend the day 💦 Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia on your @tourismtopend adventure, @wildroadwanderers 🙌 #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear Monday blues, but make it hot springs 💦 Welcome to #KatherineHotSprings, natural thermal springs situated on the banks of the #Katherine River, just a five-minute drive from the @visitkatherine town centre 🤠 Looking for things to see and do while you're there? Link in bio! Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @molintilda. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear #MatarankaThermalPool from above, isn't she dreamy? 😍 Just an hour's drive from @visitkatherine and you'll reach this crystal clear, sandy bottomed thermal pool nestled between the palm forest in @elseynationalpark 🌴 Top 10 swimming spots in the NT 👉 link in bio. Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @changingtides__. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear If you've spent the day walking and exploring, the #MatarankaThermalPool is the perfect place to unwind and heal those aches and pains 🌴 Float in the impossibly blue thermal waters and listen to the gentle gush of nearby waterfalls 💦 Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia on your @elseynationalpark adventure, @brooklyn.engels. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear Moody skies transforming #NitmilukGorge | #KatherineGorge ☁ #NitmilukNationalPark, just a short drive north-east of @visitkatherine, covers a vast area including 13 impressive gorges carved from the ancient sandstone country which stretch for as far as the eye can see. A local's bucket list for @visitkatherine 👉 link in bio. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @pablo_escapades_. #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear Fancy a dip? We just love @tourismtopend's seasonal waterfalls that come to life during the #TropicalSummer 💦 This gem is #SouthernRockhole in @visitkatherine. You can reach it via a 4-kilometre bush walk or take a @nitmiluktours ferry. What's your favourite seasonal waterfall? 🤠 Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @pellizzerphotography. #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear #MatarankaThermalPool is one of two paperbark and palm fringed natural thermal pools in @elseynationalpark 🌴 Just an hour's drive from @visitkatherine, the park has a number of rainforest walks including the 16 kilometre #RiversideWalk and the shorter 1.2 kilometre #SteviesHoleWalk. Stay overnight at Jalmurark Campground and do them both! Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @sophiewann. #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear #TourismTopEnd To mark the end of 2022, we're bringing you our top 10 posts of the year. Here's your 2nd favourite! In March we wrote... We're feeling the tropical vibes at #MatarankaThermalPool 🌴 Located one hour south of @VisitKatherine, the unofficial gateway to the tropics, these stunning springs bubble up at 34 degrees to fill a semi-man made pool of perfectly turquoise water under a shady canopy of stretching palms. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @_fumika1023_! #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine Your 8th favourite post of 2022... A true blue outback stop 🤠 The @DalyWatersPub is a colourful pub; clad in corrugated iron, draped with bougainvillea and crammed with decades of memorabilia. Located nearly three hours south of #Katherine, just off the Stuart Highway, stop in at this iconic location for a local wild caught Territory barramundi or stay the night and enjoy the live entertainment over the dry season (May-September). Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @staycationoz. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear POV: you booked flights to #NTaustralia during the Christmas sale (pssst...it's on now 👉 link in bio) ✈ The impossibly blue and sandy-bottomed #MatarankaThermalPool in the @visitkatherine region awaits 💦 Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @wander.five. #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear #TourismTopEnd The sandstone walls of #NitmilukGorge glow in the changing light ✨ Whether you get up early for sunrise or settle in for sunset, you won't be disappointed. Explore the world-famous @nitmiluknationalpark and gorge country on foot, by boat or helicopter 🚁 A local's #bucketlist for @visitkatherine 👉 link in bio. Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @mr.adam.zed. #SeeAustralia #holidayherethisyear Nothing better than getting the #KatherineHotSprings all to yourself 💦 These natural thermal springs are located on the banks of the Katherine River in @visitkatherine. A local's bucket list for Katherine 👉 link in bio! Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia, @_aswewander. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine Sunset dips at Leliyn | #EdithFalls 💦 This paperbark and pandanus fringed natural pool is just 45 minutes north of @visitkatherine in Nitmiluk National Park. Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia on your @tourismtopend trip, @andrewcutcliffe 🌴 #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine Beating those mid-week blues 💦 The #MatarankaThermalPool is the perfect place to escape when you @visitkatherine 🌴 And if you can't get enough of those crystal clear waters, #KatherineHotSprings and #BitterSprings are just a short drive away. Thanks for tagging #NTaustralia on your trip @vanlife_craiglauren 🌴 #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #holidayherethisyear Sit back and soak up your lush surroundings at #BitterSprings in the @visitkatherine region 💙 Nestled in Elsey National Park, the warm waters of these heavenly natural hot springs are perfect for a soothing swim. See link in bio for more info on this unique part of @tourismtopend 💦 Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @lazopauli! #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #holidayherethisyear Found: the perfect place to reconnect and experience a tropical bush setting 💚 Where the outback meets the tropics, @CicadaLodge is nestled within Nitmiluk National Park, on Jawoyn country. Overlooking #NitmilukGorge, the lodge is the ultimate base to explore the ancient gorge system and learn more about the local Aboriginal culture. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @sabrina_hasenbein. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #holidayherethisyear #NitmilukNT An afternoon of hot springs hopping... yes please, @visitkatherine! Grab brunch at @maidenslane before heading to #KatherineHotSprings, just minutes from the main street. This series of clear turquoise pools, surrounded by green pandanus and tropical vines, is perfect for a leisurely dip 🌴 Our tip? Add Bitter Springs and Mataranka Thermal Pool to your itinerary too! 📝 The town of #Katherine is an important meeting place for the Jawoyn, Dagoman and Wardaman people. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @gerardfortowski. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #holidayherethisyear Whether it's sunrise or sunset, the views over #NitmilukGorge are simply stunning from Baruwei lookout in @visitkatherine 🌄 For a bird's eye view over this ancient gorge system, take to the skies with @katherinehelicopters, or enjoy a relaxing boat cruise through Jawoyn country with @nitmiluktours. Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @_houseawayfromhome. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine #NitmilukNT Float your worries away in the warm turquoise waters of #MatarankaThermalPool in the @visitkatherine region 🌴 A local’s bucket list for #Katherine - see link in bio! Photo: @3kids1journey #NTaustralia #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #VisitKatherine A true blue outback stop 🤠 The @DalyWatersPub is a colourful pub; clad in corrugated iron, draped with bougainvillea and crammed with decades of memorabilia. Located nearly three hours south of #Katherine, just off the Stuart Highway, stop in at this iconic location for a local wild caught Territory barramundi or stay the night and enjoy the live entertainment over the dry season (May-September). Cheers for tagging #NTaustralia, @staycationoz. #SeeAustralia #TourismTopEnd #holidayherethisyear 続きを表示する