アウトバック バルーニングは 1986 年からアリス スプリングスで営業しており、オーストラリアで最も長い歴史を持つ気球会社のひとつです。
毎日 (天候が許せば) 運航しており、1 日の予約数に応じて 2 ~ 4 人用、最大 8 人、12 人、16 人、20 人、24 人用の気球を所有しています。リクエストに応じてプライベート チャーターも利用可能で、ロマンチックな体験を求めるハネムーンに最適です。
数本のブッシュ トラックが通る人里離れた砂漠の上のロケーションは、お客様の冒険心を高めます。このロケーションにより、乗客はマクドネル山脈の早朝の夜明けの素晴らしい色彩を堪能できます。ほとんどの日、アカカンガルーなどのオーストラリアの野生動物が自然の中で見られます。砂漠の天候が安定しているため、キャンセル率は世界でも最も低い部類に入ります。
- 品質ツーリズム認定
- 持続可能な観光認定
Early Morning 30 Minute Balloon Flight
Experience the breathtaking feeling of floating silently above the outback as the sun rises over the desert on an awe-inspiring 30 minute hot-air ballooning adventure in Alice Springs.
You will travel to the launch site in the cool pre-dawn darkness and begin the ascent just as the morning light begins to illuminate the rugged MacDonnell Ranges. Float gently across the vast expanse of the central Australian outback - keeping an eye out for native wildlife and gain an appreciation of the remoteness of the area as the balloon glides across the landscape.
After landing, you have the opportunity to assist the crew pack away the balloon or use the time taking photographs or enjoying the surroundings - the choice is yours.
At the balloon landing site, there is time to enjoy the desert tranquillity as light refreshments including Australian sparkling wine and tropical fruit juice are served.
Return transfers from most accommodation in Alice Springs are included with pick up time approximately 1 hour before first light.
Balloon flights operate every day, weather permitting Although a recommendation is to book for the first available day in the area to allow for re-booking in case of bad weather.
Early Morning 60 Minute Balloon Flight
Experience the breathtaking feeling of floating silently above the Outback as the sun rises over the desert on an awe-inspiring 60 minute hot-air ballooning adventure in Alice Springs.
You will travel to the launch site in the cool pre-dawn darkness and begin the ascent just as the morning light begins to illuminate the rugged MacDonnell Ranges. Float gently across the vast expanse of the Central Australian outback - keeping an eye out for native wildlife and gain an appreciation of the remoteness of the area as the balloon glides across the landscape.
After landing, you may become involved in assisting the crew as they pack the nylon balloon back in to its bag or may prefer to take photographs, the choice is yours.
At the ballooning landing site, there is time to enjoy the desert tranquillity as light refreshments accompanied by Australian sparkling wine and tropical fruit juice are served.
Return transfers from all accommodation in Alice Springs are included with pick up time approximately 1 hour before first light.
Balloon flights operate every day, weather permitting and the recommendation is to book the first available day in the area to allow for re-booking in case of bad weather.