Never Never Safari Tours は、カカドゥのジャビルとクーインダから日帰りツアーと半日ツアーを提供しています。
こんにちは、チゾと娘のジョディは、本物のオーストラリア人です。チゾは 2003 年からツアーガイドを務めており、オーストラリアのノーザンテリトリーにあるカカドゥ国立公園のジムジム、マグック、その他の滝を案内しながら、お客様を楽しませています。
2025 年に向けた新しいツアー - クーインダからのウビル サンセット ツアー。
Tours available
Half Day (no swimming) Never Never Rock Art Tour
The first stop is 40-minute drive north through open woodland savanna, and vast floodplains, then getting into the escarpment country. Here you will walk through aboriginal rock art interpreted by your guide. There is a bit of time spent here explaining the 2000+-year-old Rockart.
Once on top of the escarpment, which is a moderated climb, you experience some of Kakadu's greatest views. This is where the Ubirr Sunset Tour from 5pm pick-ups from Jabiru and now from 2025, from Cooinda.
This is a must-see place that has made our guides feel the love of nature and understand the culture of this area.
You will then go in search of that big croc (a short five minute drive) on the river that separates Arnhemland and Kakadu. Here you should get some great ‘Snappy Snappy’ shots. More and more crocs move into this area towards the end of the dry season (July-Oct) They may do this first up, depending on the tide and season.
If time allows, you will go for a walk-through spectacular Sandstone outcrop, and caves and past a small billabong along the edge of the East Alligator River.
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