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Trekking down Mount Sonder


アリス スプリングス近くの息を呑むようなウェスト マクドネル山脈にまたがるララピンタ トレイルは、健康な旅行者にとって、絶対にやりたいことリストの冒険です。

6 日間のクラシック ララピンタ イン コンフォートまたは 3 日間のララピンタ エクスペリエンス イン コンフォートに参加して、受賞歴のある建築的に設計されたエコ キャンプ場の独占ネットワークをお楽しみください。トレイルでの一日の終わりには、温水シャワー、快適なラウンジ、暖房付きのダイニング シェルターなどの施設でリラックスでき、星空の下で眠ることもできます。

元気で冒険好きな方は、ララピンタの端から端までの 14 日間のトレッキングに参加して、全長 223 km のトレイルを歩きましょう。トレイルを完走するのは難しい目標ですが、それと同じくらいやりがいがあります。経験豊富なガイドはその分野の専門家なので、安心してご利用いただけます。


彼らの 6 日間のクラシック ララピンタ トレッキング イン コンフォートはオーストラリアのグレート ウォークの一部であり、エコツーリズム部門でブロルガ ノーザン テリトリー観光賞を 3 回受賞しています。

オーストラリアン ウォーキング ホリデイズが、1995 年以来この素晴らしいトレイルでのトレッキングを愛している理由をご紹介します。

オーストラリアン ウォーキング ホリデイズは、World Expeditions Travel Group の一部門です。


  • 四輪ドライビング
  • バードウォッチング
  • キャンプ
  • カヌー/カヤック
  • あるきます


  • COVIDクリーン実践ビジネス
  • COVID安全
  • エコツーリズムオーストラリアによるECO認定(エコツーリズム)
  • 品質ツーリズム認定

Classic Larapinta in Comfort - 6 Days

Experience Larapinta Trail with the experts!

This extraordinary walking track traverses the length of the magnificent West MacDonnell Ranges, located near Alice Springs. This fully supported six day trek is perfect for active walkers, covering between eight and 18 kilometres a day over a variety of terrain.

Accommodated in our network of environmentally designed exclusive semi-permanent campsites, you can relax after each day on the trail with facilities including hot showers, comfortable lounges and heated dining shelter, with the opportunity to sleep under the stars.

Explore ridgelines and narrow canyons, serene river valleys and wild savannah, view unique flora and fauna in its natural habitat and camp by night under a canopy of stars. Let us show you the highlights of this iconic trail.

Please quote tour code LAR when booking.

Larapinta Experience in Comfort - 3 Days

Experience Larapinta Trail with the experts!

This extraordinary walking track traverses the length of the magnificent West MacDonnell Ranges, located near Alice Springs. This fully supported three day trek is the perfect introduction to the trail.

Accommodated in our network of environmentally designed exclusive semi-permanent campsites, you can relax after each day on the trail with facilities including hot showers, comfortable lounges and heated dining shelter, with the opportunity to sleep under the stars.

Explore ridgelines and narrow canyons, serene river valleys and wild savannah, view unique flora and fauna in its natural habitat and camp by night under a canopy of stars. Let us show you the highlights of this iconic trail.

Please quote trip code LRE when booking.

Larapinta End to End - 14 Days

Experience Larapinta Trail with the experts!

This is one of the great desert treks in the West MacDonnell Ranges. On this trek you will traverse the entire length of the 223 kilometre Larapinta Trail. There will be some challenging stages as you pass over remote ridges and canyons, walking up to 30 kilometres each day.

As a fully supported trek, all you will carry is your day pack. Walking the entire length of the trail is a challenge, but one that comes with an equal sense of reward as you complete this outstanding journey.

Please quote trip code LAC when booking.

Best of the Larapinta Trail - 9 days

This fantastic route along the Larapinta Trail will take in the most spectacular highlights along the 223km track. The camping based trek will allow you more time to explore and soak in the beauty of the Central Australian desert as you traverse the most scenic stages of the Larapinta Trail. Carrying just a daypack, this walk will delight the wilderness lover and challenge even seasoned walkers. The Larapinta Trail offers one of the greatest desert treks on earth and is a bucket list experience for anyone who enjoys walking holidays.

Following the spine of the West MacDonnell range, this extended walk along the Larapinta Trail will take in the sections along the Larapinta Trail that simply cannot be missed. It also provides a more achievable objective for walkers not yet ready for our 14 day Larapinta End to End trip. There will be some demanding stages as you pass over remote ridges and canyons, walking up to 30kms on some days.

The group camping gear is transported to each campsite by our professional support crew, freeing walkers to enjoy the diverse desert scenery, revel in the camaraderie of like-minded travellers and focus on achieving your goal.

Larapinta Challenger Trek - 5 days

Challenge yourself to five of the toughest sections of the 223km Larapinta Trail on this adventurous guided trek for experienced hikers.

This camping based trek gets you close to the real action of the trail, where you are completely encapsulated by the rugged beauty of the Central Australian desert. This trek is designed to challenge both seasoned walkers and fitness enthusiast alike; asking you to dig deep to tackle the best 'gutsy' stages of the Larapinta. Carrying just a day-pack you will walk up to 30kms each day, passing over remote ridges and canyons, whilst winding your way along the West MacDonnell Ranges.

All luggage and camping gear is transported by our professional support crew, freeing you to enjoy the diverse desert scenery, revel in the camaraderie of like-minded travellers and focus on achieving your goal.

Larapinta Goddess Walk - 3 days

The Larapinta Goddess Walk is a specially crafted getaway for adventurous women looking to experience the beauty of the Larapinta whilst harnessing their inner yogi. This revitalising 3 day program combines morning yoga and meditation sessions with invigorating walks to breathtaking highlights of the Larapinta Trail.

These all female departures incorporate a rejuvenating and enriching combination of cultural and wellness activities to revitalise the mind and body while enjoying all the comforts of our award winning exclusive permanent campsites, including hot showers, comfortable lounges and heated dining shelter all in the spectacular surrounds of the Australian Red Centre.




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