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Dingo Trax Tag Along ツアーは、あらゆるレベルのスキル、能力、経験を対象としています。

あなたがベテランの 4 輪駆動車の愛好家であろうと、まったくの初心者であろうと、自信とノウハウを持っていない場合でも、彼らはあなたをサポートします。彼らのチームは、オーストラリアの広大な風景を探索するための長年の経験と情熱を提供します。これを、他の 4 輪駆動の冒険を求める人々が、この偉大な国が提供するすべてを自分の車で快適に体験できるように支援したいという願望と組み合わせると、忘れられない冒険の地獄を楽しむことができます。忙しい。

Tours available

Northern Frontier Tour - North Simpson Hay River

Start in Marree, SA and drive the iconic Birdsville Track, to Birdsville QLD. Enjoying a beer in the famous Birdsville Pub. They head out to Big Red and take in the spectacular views over the mighty Simpson Desert. Then they head across the Simpson to Poeppel Corner and on to the Hay River Track.

Spend nights camping on this remote track heading to Batton Hill, and learn how to find bush tucker. Things to see include camels, wildflowers, and majestic river gums.

Visit Alice Springs before heading down the iconic Binns Track and stop over at Molly Clark's Andado Homestead where also see famous Waddywood trees which was used to make the waddy waddy for Aboriginal hunting.

Visit Mount Dare and swim in the thermal water at Dalhousie Springs before starting back down the Oodnadatta Track which passes the Southern Lake Eyre – Kati Thanda National Park.

Finally, they travel to William Creek via Oodnadatta and on to Anna Creek Station, the largest cattle station in the world at just over 6 million acres, to finish off this epic journey back at Marree and a well-deserved beer in the Marree Pub.



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