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[carousel hero="true" rotateheadings="true" smallheight="false"][slide image="/-/media/images/articles/nature-and-wildlife/hero-image/two_girls_on_floaties_swimming_in_wangi_falls,-d-,jpg.jpg" imagealt="The Wangi Falls is a segmented waterfall on the Wangi Creek located within the Litchfield National Park in the Northern Territory of Australia. The waterfall descends from an elevation of 84 metres above sea level via a series of segmented tiers that range in height between 41-52 metres. Accessed by sealed road, the falls are found near the western boundary of the park, approximately 80 kilometres south of Darwin. The plunge pool at the base of the falls is a popular swimming spot, however is often closed following significant rainfall due to sightings of crocodiles in the area." butttontext="" buttontarget="" buttonurl="" video="" slidecontentoverride="" heading="ダーウイン周辺の自然&ワイルドライフ" subtitle="" introtext="​" captionlink="" captionlinktext="" darkenimage="false" headingoverride="" renderh1="true"][/carousel]







ダーウィンから80キロ離れたティウィ島では生い茂った雨林、砂浜のビーチ、マングローブやロックプールなどがあります。世界最大規模crested terns(オオアジサシ)のコロニーや、絶滅危惧種のティウィ・フッデド・ロビンや一般的なRed necked stint(トウネン)などが見られます。海y洋生物ファンなら、沖合いでは鯨、イルカ、ジュゴン、ウミガメの希少種4種の他、50種類以上の魚達が見られます。
