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I tour culturali di Kakadu sono di proprietà e gestiti dall'Associazione Djabulukgu che rappresenta i proprietari tradizionali del Kakadu settentrionale e parti della terra di Arnhem occidentale.

Siamo specializzati in crociere aborigene culturali e naturalistiche, tour e sistemazioni in lodge nella natura selvaggia in questa area del patrimonio mondiale. Gli ospiti viaggiano in piccoli gruppi su comodi veicoli e barche 4WD, scortati da guide esperte, prevalentemente aborigene, garantendo elevati standard di servizio e un'esperienza culturale unica.

La crociera culturale Guluyambi è un tour in barca unico sul fiume East Alligator River, spettacolare e scenografico di Kakadu. Immergiti nella meravigliosa natura incontaminata di questo paesaggio Patrimonio dell'Umanità mentre navighi tranquillamente a monte. Una guida aborigena fornisce agli ospiti uno spaccato della loro cultura e mitologia locale, l'abbondante catena alimentare del fiume, gli usi tradizionali di molte piante e animali e le abilità di sopravvivenza nella boscaglia. Sbarca sul lato del fiume Arnhem Land per un'esposizione di tradizionali attrezzi da caccia e raccolta. Limitata a soli 25 ospiti, la crociera assicura un'esperienza culturale intima e personalizzata.


Tours available

Guluyambi River Cruise

The Guluyambi Cultural Cruise is a unique boat tour on Kakadu's scenically spectacular East Alligator River. Take in the wonderful pristine wilderness as we leisurely cruise up stream. An Aboriginal guide provides guests with an insight into their culture - local mythology, the river's abundant food chain, traditional uses for many plants and animals as well as bush survival skills. Disembark on the Arnhem Land side of the river and be treated to a display of traditional hunting and gathering implements before heading back down stream. Limited to just 25 guests, the Guluyambi Cultural Cruise ensures an intimate and personalised cultural experience. Departs daily 9am, 11am, 1pm and 3pm. The Traditional Owners look forward to welcoming you aboard!

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Guluyambi Cruise

The Guluyambi Cultural Cruise is a unique boat tour on Kakadu’s scenically spectacular East Alligator River. Take in the wonderful pristine wilderness of this World Heritage land and culture as you leisurely cruise up stream. An Aboriginal guide provides guests with an insight into their culture – local mythology, the river’s abundant food chain, traditional uses for many plants and animals as well as bush survival skills.

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Ubirr Combo Tour

In Kakadu's Tropical Summer, Ubirr and the Magela Creek are absolutely stunning.

This is the time of year when the vast wetland floods cut off the road access to Ubirr. You can experience the splendour of both areas during the narrow window of opportunity during the seasonal flooding on this Ubirr Combo Tour.

Guests will cruise down stream through bark forests and out into the connecting billabongs on the Ubirr side of the creek. Then you will have the opportunity to view the rock art, absorb a little traditional indigenous knowledge and be inspired by the spectacle of the flooded plains from Ubirr Lookout.

Operating February to March only, the Ubirr Combo Tour uses expert guides, the majority Aboriginal, and provides guests with an insight into local Aboriginal mythology, the wetland's abundant bush tucker, traditional uses for many plants and animals, as well as bush survival skills.

There is a shuttle service to and from the cruise from Jabiru.

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  • Canottaggio


  • Qualità Turismo Accreditamento
  • Rispettando la nostra cultura (ROC) Certificato da Ecotourism in Australia
  • Turismo sostenibile Accreditamento