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Dal 1988, Diamantina Touring Company ha condotto spedizioni naturalistiche pluripremiate nell'entroterra australiano per tutte le età.

I tour safari a quattro ruote motrici ti portano fuoristrada verso il meglio dell'entroterra: remoti deserti di dune di sabbia, catene montuose spettacolari, comunità aborigene, gole appartate e lande selvagge alpine.

Durante il giorno viaggerai via terra attraverso vasti deserti, esplorerai la flora e la fauna uniche e ammirerai gli straordinari paesaggi in continua evoluzione. Le serate vengono trascorse intorno al fuoco gustando ottimo cibo e ottimi vini australiani, come descritto in riviste come Gourmet Traveller.

La società è di proprietà e gestita al 100% da australiani.

Tours available

Canning Stock Route Expedition

A trip down the Canning is like nothing you could ever imagine. One solitary set of wheel tracks setting out across the Great Sandy Desert eventually connecting with Wiluna, 2000 km to the south making it the longest and most remote stock route in the world.

It is a place of great natural beauty, with land systems ranging from spinifex plains to wetlands, dune systems, desert oak forests, spectacular ranges and escarpments and salt lakes. It is also the longest heritage trail in Australia, containing Aboriginal rock art galleries, lonely graves of stockmen and explorers, and the series of wells that punctuate the route. Some of these have been restored, and good water can be obtained. Others lie in ruins.

This is a fully catered expedition. You can choose to travel in the vehicles or tagalong in your own. The Canning today is one of the worlds greatest 4X4 adventures that combines a rich cultural heritage, extraordinary natural history, and an exciting remote area tour. Diamantina have been operating on the Canning Stock Route since 1992. Travel with the acknowledged and recognised experts.

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Bindibu Country and the Pintubi Nine

The rare and unique opportunity to spend time on country with first contact Aboriginal People. The Pintubi Nine first encountered Europeans in 1984.

Travel from Alice Springs along the scenic Sandy Blight Junction Track to Kintore, then to Australia's most remote Aboriginal community Kiwirrkurra before heading north to Lake Mackay. You will then take a track not on any maps north 350 kilometres to Balgo, and then follow the original Tanami Track back to Rabbit Flat before turning south to Alice Springs.

This is remote 4X4 camping expedition with all meals included, and expert caring guides.

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Red Centre to the Pilbara

This tour captures the very essence of the Western Deserts and their astonishing diversity. From the rugged ranges of remote Karlamilyi (Rudall River) National Park and the ironstone red ranges of the lesser-known East Pilbara to the botanical wonderlands of the Gibson Desert bio region.

This was the last wilderness in Australia, it was only in the 1960s that any vehicle tracks were made into the area. Back then, Terry Long, the Woomera Native Patrol officer said “No one had been out there. The desert, as far as the Department [WA Dept of Supply] was concerned... was an unknown, as it was to the whole of Western Australia . The Warburton Ranges [were] as far as anybody got. People in those days knew absolutely nothing about Aborigines.”

This tour has a relaxed pace, and the four-wheel driving is not extreme, but the locations are extremely remote and beautiful. The tour departs Alice Springs and heads through the Western Macs to Haasts Bluff and Papunya, on through Kintore to Australia's most remote Aboriginal Community, visits Rudall River National Park, Marble Bar and the East Pilbara and returns on Beadell tracks across the Gary and Gunbarrel Highways.

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  • ECO certificato (Advanced Ecoturismo) da Ecotourism in Australia
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  • Rispettando la nostra cultura (ROC) Certificato da Ecotourism in Australia