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Getting instructions from Manuel
Manuel in front of his fire
Fire lighting

La migliore esperienza culturale di Didj

Top Didj & Art Gallery offre un'esperienza australiana imperdibile per tutti.

Ti verrà presentato Manuel Pamkal, un uomo indigeno tradizionale, che condividerà la sua visione culturale poiché è un eccellente narratore e insegnante. Le persone che hanno avuto il privilegio di incontrare Manuel se ne vanno con una ritrovata conoscenza e rispetto della cultura e della vita indigena australiana del passato.

Inclusioni di esperienze: molte attività pratiche e divertenti.

Dopo aver suonato una canzone di benvenuto sul suo didgeridoo, raccontato storie della sua cultura e cresciuto nella foresta in modo tradizionale, Manuel ti insegnerà:

- Come accendere un fuoco utilizzando due bastoncini

- Come lanciare una lancia usando un woomera

- Come riconoscere alcune delle straordinarie medicine e tucker australiani.

Top Didj ha vinto il premio NT People's Choice - Tripadvisor / Shiji ReviewPro ai Brolga Awards 2023. I revisori hanno commentato che Top Didj ha offerto un'autentica esperienza aborigena in cui hanno potuto incontrare un vero locale a livello personale. Puoi scegliere tra una vasta gamma di didgeridoo, autentiche opere d'arte aborigene, boomerang, incisioni e souvenir. Top Didj si impegna a promuovere l'arte aborigena in modo etico.

Il tour dura 2 ore. Prenotazione obbligatoria.


  • ATEC COVID Pronto / Viaggi WTTC sicuro Stamp
  • COVID Clean Praticare Affari
  • COVID sicuro
  • Giappone Host
  • National trust
  • Qualità Turismo Accreditamento

Top Didj Cultural Experience

Manual Pampkal, winner of 2013 Tourism NT Brolga award for outstanding interpretive guide and the 2023 Brolga Tripadvisor Shiji People's Choice Awards, will welcome you with a traditional song played on the Didgeridoo. He is then happy to talk about tribal life, language, hunting and gathering techniques and weapons used.

You will have the opportunity to participate in fire lighting with two sticks and throwing a spear with a woomera. Learn about bush tucker and medicine. After the tour browse through the gallery .

Please note - indicative price quoted is per adult, prices for children are available, please check Top Didj Cultural Experience's website for further details.

Virtual Cultural Experience

Live has taken place, now available on demand on the Top Didj website shop.

A snapshot of Top End Aboriginal culture, Top Didj’s virtual experience is the perfect introduction to Aboriginal culture exploring music, art, traditional artifacts, and life living in the bush the traditional way. Manuel is passionate about keeping the culture alive and sharing it with everyone. During the experience, you will listen to a live didgeridoo performance, Manuel will sing a song accompanied by clapsticks, then tell stories of growing up in the bush.

You will be shown a special reed brush called a jalk that is used to paint the line paintings known as rarrk or crosshatch. Manuel will give a brief talk on how he goes about teaching people to paint in the rarrk style. Manuel will demonstrate how to light a fire using two sticks and how to throw a spear using a woomera.

This live experience is perfect for the whole family or anyone interested in learning more about Aboriginal culture. You will also get a peek at our resident agile wallabies. Drop us a line if you have a question you would like Manuel to answer.

Suitable for all ages.


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