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Girl watching the sunset from a hill over Nitmiluk National Park

Nitmiluk National Park


在砂岩高原上步行一小時到五天不等,可以欣賞到峽谷和其他景觀的壯麗景色。有些,比如 62 公里的 Jatbula 步道,可以欣賞到 Nitmiluk 的大部分景觀——季風雨林、石頭國家、高地沼澤、林地和河流——而較短的步道可能沒有那麼多樣化,但總是很壯觀。山地自行車道也可供喜歡冒險的騎手使用。您可以在峽谷租用獨木舟,也可以自帶。可以使用商業運營的峽谷系統巡航,以及直升機飛行。

從 12 月到 4 月,洶湧的河流會限制活動,但總有事情要做。游泳和劃獨木舟通常僅在 6 月至 11 月進行 - 但在第一峽穀不再提供。可用的遊輪在雨季和旱季之間有所不同。 Leliyn (Edith Falls) 是 Nitmiluk 的另一個壯觀部分,非常值得一遊。 Leliyn 從凱瑟琳以北約 45 公里處的 Stuart 高速公路進入。

在公園露營和散步是非常受歡迎的選擇,應該在您訪問之前提前在線預訂。特別是非常受歡迎的 Jatbula Trail。


Opening times

Open daily, 24 hours.

Entry cost

  • Indicative Prices tickets from $10.00 to $60.00
    Park entry fees - Parks Pass applies. (NT residents exempt). Camping and multi-day walk fees apply to all visitors.
  • Child tickets from $5.00 to $30.00
    Park entry fees - Parks Pass applies. (NT residents exempt). Camping and multi-day walk fees apply to all visitors.


  • Barbeque
  • Boating Facilities
  • Cafe
  • Caravan / Camper Trailer / Campervan Sites / Campsites
  • Carpark
  • Coach Parking
  • Enquiry Desk
  • Family Friendly
  • Food and Refreshments
  • Interpretive Centre
  • Lookouts
  • Picnic Area
  • Public Toilet
  • Restaurant
  • Shop / Gift Shop
  • Showers
  • Swimming Pool
  • Free Wifi


  • Birdwatching
  • Boating
  • Camping
  • Canoeing/Kayaking
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Mountain Biking
  • Swimming
  • Walks


Caters for people with sufficient mobility to climb a few steps but who would benefit from fixtures to aid balance. (This includes people using walking frames and mobility aids)


  • COVID Safe


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