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People looking at various paintings at Nomad Art in Darwin

Art galleriesaround Darwin

达尔文地区各个艺术馆的馆藏丰富多样,令人流连忘返。 后现代艺术和古代石刻聚集一处,让您不出一个下午,就能跨越时空,欣赏各种艺术作品。

[carousel hero="true" rotateheadings="true" smallheight="false"][slide image="/-/media/images/articles/art-galleries/hero-image/people_looking_at_various_paintings_at_nomad_art_in_darwin,-d-,jpg.jpg" imagealt="Visitors looking through artwork available at Nomad Art. Nomad Art is a gallery specialising in limited edition prints and works on paper by artists from Indigenous art centres from remote and regional Australia. Nomad Art focuses on art that involves cross-cultural collaborations between artists and master practitioners. A large range of limited edition etchings, lithograph, silkscreen, wood block, lino prints and textiles make up the unique and beautiful selection of fine art and craft at Nomad Art." butttontext="" buttontarget="" buttonurl="" video="" slidecontentoverride="" heading="达尔文艺术馆" subtitle="" introtext="​" captionlink="" captionlinktext="" darkenimage="false" headingoverride="" renderh1="true"][/carousel]





巴瑟斯特(Bathurst)和梅尔维尔(Melville)岛的艺术中心展出了各种原住民艺术品,奇妙独特,引人入胜 提维群岛的艺术家以其传统绘画、木刻、图提尼柱(tutini poles)、陶瓷制品、现代打印绘画、编织品和雕塑而闻名。 参观提维群岛的艺术中心时,您有机会看到当地独有的艺术作品,并结识当地艺术家,从他们手中直接购买作品。


