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Trek Jatbula
Trek Jatbula
Trek Jatbula

Jatbula Trail Walking Tours

The Arnhem Land escarpment country is a vast wilderness area in the Top End of Australia.

The Jatbula Trail takes us deep into this wild region.

The trail follows an ancient Jawoyn song line through the Nitmiluk National Park. The Jatbula Trail takes you up onto the Arnhem Land Escarpment, through shady monsoon forests, past spectacular waterfalls and their crystal clear swimming pools and introduces you to stunning Jawoyn Aboriginal rock art sites. Camp in some of the most amazing wilderness country in Australia.

Itinerary Summary

Day 1 : Pick up Darwin, drive to Katherine Gorge, walk to Biddlecombe Cascades | 8.3kms

Day 2 : Walk from Biddlecombe Cascades to Crystal Falls | 11kms

Day 3 : Walk from Crystal Falls to Amphitheatre and on to 17 Miles Falls | 10kms

Day 4 : Walk from 17 Miles Falls to Sandy Camp Pool | 17kms

Day 5 : Walk from Sandy Camp to Sweetwater Pool | 11.2kms

Day 6 : Walk from Sweetwater Pool to Leilyn (Edith Falls), drive to Darwin | 4.5kms

Operated by


  • Birdwatching
  • Hiking
  • Walks


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