Uluru Audio Guide fournit des dispositifs de commentaires audio déclenchés par GPS pour le parc national d'Uluru-Kata Tjuta.
Uluru Audio Guide est disponible à la fois sous forme d'application téléchargeable et d'appareil physique que les clients peuvent louer.
L'audio contient plus d'une centaine de faits et d'histoires sur la nature, l'histoire, la géologie et la culture de la région.
L'audioguide d'Uluru est amusant, informatif et facile à utiliser, offrant un service parfait pour ceux qui souhaitent conduire eux-mêmes et explorer Uluru à leur propre rythme.
Il est disponible en sept langues différentes : anglais, mandarin, japonais, français, italien, allemand et espagnol.
Tours available
Audio Device Hire
Pick up your Uluru audio device and unlock over a hundred stories and facts about Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.
The device can be plugged into your car stereo and will entertain you and give directions as you drive around Uluru.
When you leave your vehicle to experience the walks the National Park has to offer, take your device with you as it'll use GPS triggered technology to tell you all about exactly what you are looking at!
This clever device will allow you to explore like a local, it's just like having a tour guide in your pocket.
Downloadable GPS Audio Tour App
Access over a hundred stories and facts about Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park in the palm of your hand.
Download the Uluru Audio Guide app, play it thorugh your headphones or link it to your car stereo and it will entertain and give you directions to help you get the most out of your time at Uluru.
The app contains a GPS triggered self-guided audio tour that covers every road and walk within Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, including Uluru's 10km base walk and Kata Tjuta's 6km Valley of the Winds walk.
This clever device will allow you to explore like a local, it's just like having a tour guide in your pocket.