Yurmikmik Lookout Walk
This walk goes through open woodland up a stony ridge to the lookout where you can enjoy views over Jawoyn country.
To the north and west are the southern ridges of Kakadu. The sandstone hill to the northwest is Bornluk. Look along the road for the lush ribbon of vegetation growing along the South Alligator River.
To the south is the flat country of the Marrawal Plateau. Marrawal refers to the seasonally swampy uplands between the South Alligator River and the Katherine River. The trees at the lookout with yellow-green bark are dirringgil (gardenia). Mungguy eat their fruits and use the resin as glue. Smell the fragrant flowers in the dry season.
5 km return | 2 hours
Moderate Walk on a marked track
A park pass is required to enter Kakadu National Park. Save time on your holiday and purchase your Kakadu park pass online before you leave home.
- Carpark
- Public toilet
- World Heritage
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