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Aboriginal dancers performing at Darwin Festival

Aboriginal music & dancein the Northern Territory


[carousel hero="true" rotateheadings="true" smallheight="false"][slide image="/-/media/images/articles/aboriginal-music-and-dance/hero-image/aboriginal-dancers-performing-at-darwin-festival.jpg" imagealt="Aboriginal dancers performing at Darwin Festival. Darwin Festival is an 18-day celebration of music, theatre, visual art, dance, cabaret and more in the beautiful tropical city of Darwin. Enjoy the festive atmosphere, delicious food and drink stalls, and free performances at the heart of the arts - Festival Park - and various venues across Darwin, as the Festival activates the city every August." butttontext="" buttontarget="" buttonurl="" video="" slidecontentoverride="" heading="原住民歌舞" subtitle="in the Northern Territory" introtext="​" captionlink="" captionlinktext="" darkenimage="false" headingoverride="" renderh1="true"][/carousel]



欣赏北领地的传统歌舞 —— 原住民神圣庆典与聚会的基本元素。在庆典聚会上,梦幻时光主题通过身体彩绘、音乐与律动舞蹈等多姿多彩的方式展示出来。鉴于这些活动的神圣性质,如果未获邀请,游客一般无法参加。但是您可以造访遍布北领地的文化中心,观看传统表演,亦或选择在当地举办艺术节与传统活动时前来拜访。




近几十年以来,当代土著音乐已跻身世界音乐舞台,受到世人关注。北领地诞生了好几位知名艺人和乐队,例如Yothu Yindi、Warumpi Band与Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu。音乐流派包括雷鬼、嘻哈、乡村与摇滚。传统乐器经常在这些流派中大放异彩。音乐不仅关乎孕育万物的自然之地,更是一个表达原住民政治与社会问题的有效平台。