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Mardugal Billabong Walk

Mardukal Billabong walk

A short, shady loop around picture-perfect Mardukal Billabong.

This relaxing walk takes you to a beautiful picnic spot overlooking the water. The billabong is lined with andjimjim (water pandanus), towering silver-leaved paperbarks and shady syzygiums.

Take a fishing rod and fish from the high bank at the end of the walk, but if you get a snag say goodbye to your lure – large saltwater crocs live in this billabong so stay out of the water. They rarely show themselves, but they are there – don’t go down the bank to the water’s edge!

1 km | 30 minutes

See it: June to November

A park pass is required to enter Kakadu National Park. Save time on your holiday and purchase your Kakadu park pass online before you leave home.


  • Carpark


  • World Heritage


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