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The 2026 Oceania Athletics Championships will be conducted in Darwin, Australia.

Australia has previously hosted the Championships on seven occasions, and this will be the first time Darwin has hosted the Championships, joining Cairns, Townsville, Mackay and Adelaide as host Cities in Australia. Darwin’s tropical climate and multicultural mix, makes it a perfect host venue for the Championships.

The Larrakia people are the Traditional Owners of the land that have lived in the greater Darwin region since before European settlement. The Larrakia, who refer to themselves as “Saltwater People”, had a vibrant history based on a close relationship with the sea and trade with neighbouring groups such as the Tiwi, Wadjiginy and Djerimanga as well as trading routes with Southeast Asia.

Event Date

18 – 24 May 2026


  • Carpark
  • Kiosk
  • Non-smoking
  • Public toilet


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