Pine Creek is the only original mining town remaining in the Top End from the gold rush era of the 1870s, and its National Trust Museum building is the oldest surviving prefabricated structure in the Northern Territory.
The Railway precinct contains a number of buildings including the railway station, goods shed, stationmaster’s residence and water tank. The rail reached Pine Creek in the 1889 in response to gold discoveries, however by the time the line reached Pine Creek the gold had petered out. This was the terminus until the line was extended reaching Emungalen in 1917 and Katherine in 1925. As the terminus of the North Australian Railway, the station became a focal point for the development and economy of the region.
Visitors can view a whole railway precinct in its original layout and with trains at the station.
Entry cost
Indicative Prices tickets from $5
note no charge for NT Trust Members or children.
Tour Groups can book and pay through NT Trust Office Darwin.
- Carpark
- Family Friendly
- Gallery / Museum
- National Trust
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