![First Contact Rock Art](https://images.northernterritory.com/atdw-cache/images/f686af08f597fc339a96babd10611208.jpeg?rect=0%2C146%2C2500%2C1406&w=48&h=20&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjU4MTAxMzczOTcwYTkyYTI1NzgzODAyMCIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5MzQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIwYzciLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjU2YjFmNjNmMGNmMjEzYWQyMGRlZGVkOSJ9&fit=crop&auto=enhance%2Ccompress)
Nanguluwurr Rock Art Walk
Nanguluwurr art site walk is a peaceful walk through woodlands, leading to a cool, quiet Aboriginal rock art site.
Nanguluwurr was a major camping site for Aboriginal people.
Here you’ll find paintings covering many different styles, including hand stencils, food sources like fish and turtle, a fantastic example of ‘contact art’, a painting of a two-masted sailing ship (lugger). Sit and ponder why there is a painting of a sailing ship some 90 kms inland and nowhere near a waterway!
Then learn about female spirit Algaihgo and why you should heed the messages from the dream time.
3.4 km return | 2 hours
See it: All year round
A park pass is required to enter Kakadu National Park. Save time on your holiday and purchase your Kakadu park pass online before you leave home.
- Carpark
- World Heritage
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