Le Crocodylus Park & Zoo, situé à seulement 15 minutes du quartier central des affaires de Darwin, vous offre une expérience complète de l'outback du NT dans la ville.
C'est l'endroit idéal pour rencontrer les plus grands reptiles. Le parc abrite plus d'un millier de crocodiles, des nouveau-nés aux adultes massifs.
Construit sur 30 ans d'expérience dans la recherche et la conservation des crocodiles, un incontournable lors d'une visite dans le NT. Le professeur Grahame Webb, l'un des zoologistes australiens les plus connus au monde, a ouvert Crocodylus Park en 1994. Bien qu'il ait commencé comme un centre de recherche et d'éducation sur les crocodiles, il s'est maintenant développé pour devenir le seul zoo du NT avec des animaux exotiques et indigènes, notamment des grands félins, des oiseaux, des primates et d'autres reptiles, ainsi qu'un musée.
Des visites quotidiennes pour nourrir les crocodiles vous permettent de nourrir l'un des gros crocodiles, puis de tenir un bébé crocodile dans vos bras. Le plus unique est la croisière guidée quotidienne en bateau pour une expérience écologique ultime du NT où vous pouvez voir des crocodiles sauvages vivant dans leur propre rivière.
Le Crocodylus Park est facilement accessible en bus ou en taxi. Un parking est également disponible pour les caravanes et les autocars.
Tours available
Animal Encounters | Crocodylus Park
Visitors to Crocodylus Park now have a special opportunity to come up close and personal with our most special animals in an animal encounter.
You can book a meet and greet with:
Meerkats: 15 minutes hand-feeding encounter where you can personally feed and play with our dynamic meerkat family.
Minimum age 4 years | max 4 people
Monkeys: 15 minutes hand-feeding encounter where you can personally feed and play with our vibrant monkey family.
Minimum age 4 years | max 2 people.
Croc Boat Cruise | Crocodylus Park
Jump on board our Jumping Crocodile Cruise which allows you to see large saltwater crocodiles in a natural setting. Only 15 minutes from Darwin's CBD and 5 min from the airport, this is a great opportunity to enjoy a crocodile cruise in the city.
The tour guarantees you to come up close and personal with large wild saltwater crocodiles. The guide tell you about the 40 + crocodiles the park houses in the river, and great stories on the river's eco system and the different uses and meanings of plants in the aboriginal culture.
Croc Feeding Tour | Crocodylus Park
The spectacular guided croc feeding tours at Crocodylus Park & Zoo are for those who are looking for a full NT outback experience close to the city.
The croc feeding tours are included in the park's admission fee and gives you the opportunity to witness the famous jumping crocs in the attack lagoon, and most of all, feed one of the big guys yourself!
After every croc feeding tour you are given the chance to hold a baby crocodile and make photos for free. An ultimate experience you will never forget!
During the tour our passionate guide tells you all about the crocodiles, their natural behaviour and can answer all your questions.
Dingo Walk | Crocodylus Park
Pet the dingos when staff walk them around the park! A great opportunity to come face to face with these wild but oh so loving animals.
You’ll have the opportunity to touch and play with them, and of course, take photos for free.
The Dingo Walk is part of the admission fee.
You can also book a one-on-one Dingo Experience with us – call us for more information.
Reptile handling | Crocodylus Park
Scary but intriguing! Isn't that what reptiles are all about? Hold a Snake or something exciting like a Blue Tongue lizard. A great opportunity to feel the grace and strengths of reptiles in a safe environment.
Crocodylus Park staff run the reptile handling experience daily. It is part of the admission fee and of course they give you plenty of time to take sizzling photo's for free.
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- Chine Prêt et le Programme accrédité
- Qualité Tourisme Accréditation